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Support >> Working with Home page

Password protect your home page
Change display name on home page and navigation
Add a personal message
Album listing type with preview of 1st thumbnail
Add 3 external links to your Home page

Password protect your home page

Add a guest password to your home page to protect users from viewing the listing of your albums. This guest password is should be different than your account password as it only allows visitors to visit your Home page.
  1. Click on "Edit Home Page"
  2. Enter your guest password. Make sure it is different than your account password.
  3. Click "Submit" when finished.
If you choose to use the same guest password for any of your albums, your visitors will not have to reenter the guest password to visit the album.

You may also include the guest password in the URL to your Homepage. Your guests will not be required to enter a guest password to visit to your Homepage.
  • Append the following to the URL: "?pa=<GUESTPASSWORD>"
For example if your username is "smithfamily" and guest password to album is "family", your URL will be: https://imageevent.com/smithfamily?pa=family

Change display name on home page and navigation

Change how your name is listed on your Homepage and the navigation in your album. To change your display name:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click "Edit Home page"
  3. Customize your display name
  4. Submit your changes.

Add a personal message

Add a personal message that will apprear above the listing of your albums. Use text or html to customize it to how you would like it. To add a personal message:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click "Edit Home page"
  3. Add your personal message.
  4. Submit your changes.

Album listing type with preview of 1st thumbnail

Select how you like your albums to be listed:
  • Long listing iwth first thumbnail preview displays the 1st thumbnail. You may rearrange the photos in your albums to change the first thumbnail that is previewed.
  • Short concise listing is a shorter listed ad does have a preview of the 1st image.
To change your Album Listing:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click "Edit Home page"
  3. Select listing.
  4. Submit your changes.

Add 3 external links to your Home page

You may add up to 3 external links to your Home page. To do this:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Click "Edit Home Page"
  3. Add up to 3 links with name and URL. URL must start with "http://"
  4. Submit your changes.

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